"Most mamas in today's culture think they are supposed to be busy doing so much for their children...What babies need more than anything is a present and self-aware mama who is gentle with herself and grounded" says Dr. Colleen Crowley👨🏻⚕️
There is no such thing as being the perfect mother, being a mom is one of the hardest titles to hold but one of the most rewarding. Trust your instincts and don’t judge yourself through social media. Do not be hard on yourself or get discouraged if you fail. If you fall down, get back up, and try something else🤗
Here's 5 helpful reminders:

No matter what's going on, even through the toughest days and sleepless nights, just know that you are the best mama in the world to your baby💯 When things get tough, you'll know what to do. You were made for this and you are doing incredible!❤️💪🏻
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