6 Things To Say When Your Kids Cry

6 Things To Say When Your Kids Cry

It’s no secret that hearing our kids cry makes us uncomfortable 😩⁠

We all know that a baby's way to communicate is by crying, yet we can’t help but look at it as if it’s something that needs to be ‘fixed’. 🤔 Once an infant becomes a walking and talking toddler, we sometimes expect them to process emotions the way we do, rather than the way they have always done; through crying.⁠

The next time you’re faced with a crying toddler, try to take a moment to make sure you are calm. 😌⁠

When you’re ready, try these 6 alternatives👇🏻:⁠


1️⃣ “I understand you’re sad/ disappointed/ scared/ anxious/ happy and that’s OK.” Reinforce the notion that feeling an emotion is what makes us human.⁠🤗⁠

2️⃣ “I can see this is hard for you.” This simple phrase acknowledges that you hear and see them.👂🏻👀⁠

3️⃣“Would you like help or a break to try again?” Asking them what they would like empowers your child, helping them to feel important and significant. 🧒🏻💯⁠

4️⃣ “We’re on the same team. I will help you.” Even if your child says they do not want your help, they do want to feel as though you will back them up when they need you.🙌🏻⁠

5️⃣ “Let’s come up with a solution together.” Coming up with a solution that will help process their emotions teaches them how to look at the situation objectively and come up with possible solutions. 💡⁠

6️⃣ “I can hear you are crying, but I don’t know what you need. Can you help me understand?” Even if your child cannot verbalize why they are crying at first, this can give them a chance to practice.👏🏻🗣️ ⁠

Be a pillar of empathy and strength for your child!⁠ You can do it! ❤️💪🏻⁠

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